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Webinar Resources Webinar Resources Newsletter about email marketing and customer aquistion Call to Action Webinar Resources Email Webinar Resources Webinar Resources Intouch - Building Your Web Presence

Portals, personalization, promotion and prospecting - this newsletter is jam packed with some great content and examples to help you drive customer acquisition for your events. We are giving our readers an opportunity to experience and participate in a campaign to reach out to that special Dad for Father's Day. Carve out an eCard today.

Carolyn provides some great blog posts on Social Media and Webinar Resources announces our new Facebook page and Brainshark Content Portal with great some presentations from our partners and customers. So enjoy this special edition of our Webinar Resources newsletter.

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How to Acquire Customers and Influence People with Personalization
by Mark Rice

Dale Carnegie's famous quote "Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language" is still a valid lesson when approaching people. Everyone likes to be called by their name and have their name remembered.

Mr. Carnegie didn't realize the impact that today's technology could have in influencing people to take an action, especially when personalization is involved. We've reserved a seat for you to sit and read more about our image personalization solutions.

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Experience Image Personalization and Carve Out a Message to a Special Dad
by Mark Rice

Join our Webinar Resources newsletter list and we will carve a special Father's name in our online eCard. What could be more of a lasting gift then a virtual hand carved message? Registration ends after June 16, 2009.

Get Father's Day eCard here

Webinar Resources Announces Facebook site
by Mark Rice

Social media offers great opportunities to connect with people. Whether they are prospects, customers, partners or the general community, businesses need to be where people are congregating in the social media arena. Webinar Resources has created a Facebook page and welcomes you to become a fan - Webinar Resources Facebook Page

Webinar Resources Launches Partner Presentation Content in New Brainshark Presentation Portals
by Mark Rice

Webinar Resources is now extending our reach through our partner, Brainshark and their new presentation portals. Now Brainshark presentations can be delivered through our company Brainshark Content Portal - and widely distributed through Brainshark's Content Network -

Webinar Resources recently repurposed a segment of a webinar replay for Gimbel & Associates and produced a Webinar for ONE presentation focused on the traditional marketing model. Webinar Resources Managing Director, Mark Rice, scripted the content of the presentation and posted the Webinar for ONE on the Webinar Resources Brainshark Content Portal and on the Brainshark Content Network. Through a partnership with Training Industry, Inc., Brainshark feeds the presentations on the Content Network to a Learning Content Network for Training Industry, Inc. In a couple of clicks, Gimbel & Associates' presentation is now available in three separate, searchable portals.

Webinar Resources plans to produce future Webinar for ONE presentations by partner subject matter experts and post the content on the portals. Our long relationship with Brainshark and sharing of best practices and feature enhancements, has matured into a new community of social media for on demand presentation content. We will continue to lead the growth of on demand presentation content as an enabler for our customer acquisition solutions and services.

Carolyn's Social Media Blog Series
by Carolyn Hasenfratz

Social Media in Business - Part of 1 of 4: EMAIL

Why would a business want to get involved in social media? By nature, it is unpredictable as we human beings naturally are, and that can be scary.

At the Connections '08 conference for users and agencies that I attended in September, ExactTarget selected "Subscribers Rule!" as the theme. What does that mean? You can read Exact Target's exact definition here. ExactTarget is in the business of email marketing, so they want us to think about the needs of our email subscribers and how to keep them happy. You want to give them control, to let them "Rule" over how you communicate with them. For example, you allow subscribers to choose to get your emails instead of sending them unsolicited spam, and make sure to send them content that fits their interests.

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Top 5 Missed Opportunities of Business Blogging

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